
Broken Sentences

 Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino depicts several moments of the evolution of the universe in a poetic, romantic, and dreamy writing style: the moment when the moon suddenly left the earth far behind; the moment when the nebula gradually condensed and then emitted light and heat to become the sun; the moment when the universe suddenly exploded from the smallest density; the moment when the atmosphere was formed and everything on earth began to have colors. Living beings shuttle through it, witnessing every great moment of change in the universe for us.

The stories in the book seem to be always like this: human plays carefree among the stardust on the one hand, and unable to escape the fate of being emotional creatures on the other hand. While having fun, they can't help feeling dejected. In Calvino's portrayal, human beings seem to be the witnesses to the universe: huddling at an infinitesimal point, they play in thin nebulae, mark the orbits of galaxies, use hydrogen atoms as marble toys, and keen to bet on the future.

